
March 29, 2011

A domain name

A domain name reflects your business or personal identity. Choose wisely. Visit the Web site (marketjuice.com). Using marketjuice, you can type in your favorite picks and see if they're taken and by whom. If they are taken, keep trying with your alternate choices.

Ensure your website offers valuable and relevant content that encourages your existing customers to visit often, and prompts new visitors to place their first order.

March 13, 2011

Presentation Skills

Improving your Presentation Skills will help you take control of a business meeting with confidence. Effective presentation skills are difficult to learn. Once you develop the skills, you will be able to control a meeting without hesitation.

March 9, 2011

Sleep early so that I can get up early!

When I was a little child my mom always told me to go to bed and sleep early so that I can get up early and I just follow her and I noticed it flows smoothly. Now I'm already old enough to manage my sleeping pattern due to work and other responsibility I guess I need to sleep early and when I do that I can get up early too. I'm happy to have it cause I have enough time to prepare my breakfast and other stuffs before heading to work unlike if I go to sleep late I feel not comfortable when waking up its just I feel something lack in my bed and my bed calls me for more sleep.

Do you sleep early and wake up early?

Do you think the question is true?

Share your views.

March 4, 2011

e mail newsletter

An e mail newsletter can be used for your personal projects or as a marketing tool for your business. When creating your email messages, you can use a newsletter provider to streamline common, time-consuming tasks like setting up your contact lists, designing your messages, tracking your emails and providing a method for users to sign up for your newsletter. Using a free or paid newsletter provider, you can set up your own subscriber email newsletter and begin sending out your own email campaigns.

March 2, 2011

Logo designers

Logo designers often agonize over the creation of a defining symbol for each of their clients. A logo designers needs to look at symbols of competing companies as well as past client logos to generate a unique logo. You need to be aware of the challenges of creating an original logo before you become a logo designer.