
April 12, 2012


Clenches onto any surface with a tight unremovable grip

Prostitution is generally defined as the practice of providing sexual services for money, but because it requires a buyer and a seller it can more appropriately be defined as the practice of exchanging money for sexual services.

After seeing that several girls have offered their virginity for cash, basically auctioning it off on websites, I wondered exactly what kind of people bid on this, and how much are they offering?

I'm enough of an ol' perv that, if I had the funds available, I might bid on something of this nature...but then, this is inexperienced stuff...it may not be any good.

Do I get a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee? Double my money back?

How do we set this up? Is it a romantic date with candlelight and flowers and dinner, maybe a movie to set the mood?

Or is this a "meet me at the hotel and let's get 'er done?"

Do I have to pay extra if I want a second helping, or is this a buffet style thing, all you want for one price?

If I do have to pay for seconds, is it a lower price since the item isn't "new" anymore?rolleyes

Will she still respect me when it's done? Will she call me?


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