
April 28, 2010

Organizations Save Time

Well as I think I stated before I do a lot of internetting. I had accumulated a lot of internet accounts, and so I went through and got rid of a handful of my accounts so that I would leave less of an internet trail.

I have like 3 email accounts, dozens of websites I’m apart of, and just an all around mess. I’ll have actual statistics soon because I want to get it down to maybe half before June. They’re just sitting there, and I don’t like just having accounts and passwords just floating around the internet like that.

I’ve just deleted 2 accounts!

Record your passwords or re-do your passwords on a regular basis. Remember which websites you really like and ones you aren't using for one reason or another. Get rid of the ones that aren't helping you in any way or you simply don't participate in. Oh, and update personal information on the ones you DO use.


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