Why Do Men Ignore Women They Love?
Do you ever find yourself staring at a man and wondering what he REALLY wants from you. What he REALLY dreams about? What he REALLY wishes for in a woman? If you do, you're certainly not alone.
According to relationship expert Michael Fiore (who's appeared on the Rachael Ray show and was interviewed by Time Magazine), the number one thing women wish for is the ability to READ MEN'S MINDS and know how guys REALLY feel.
Unfortunately most guys will NEVER open up to a woman and there's never been a way to get the actual TRUTH about what goes on in their minds. Until now.
Michael Fiore recently sent a very simple, very powerful survey to a list of over 20,000 men asking one amazing question. "What's the one thing you wish the woman in your life understood about men, but could NEVER tell her?"
If you'd like to learn the answer to that question (what men want sexually, emotionally and intellectually... why men lie to women, why men cheat on women and so much more) you need to stop what you're doing and go watch this video right now...
Another thing about men that why do they lie all the time with the women? My friend Michael Fiore (he's a nationally known relationship expert who's helped thousands of women understand men and who even appeared on Rachael Ray) says there's actually THREE reasons that men lie to women (and two of them are actually pretty innocent... here's the first one that tends to SHOCK a lot of women.)
Michael says that men lie to women because men are SCARED of women.
Not physically (not usually, though occasionally you hear about a woman going all "Bobbitt" on her man.) Nope, Michael says men are scared of women's EMOTIONS.
See, it might sound weird, but emotions are actually harder for guys to deal with and to recover from for guys than they are for women.According to Dr. John Gottman at the University of Washington (right here in Seattle) women can both enter and recover from extreme emotional states a LOT faster and easier than guys can.
If you think about it, it makes sense. We've all seen a woman burst into tears one moment only to be totally fine 5 minutes later. But when it comes to emotions, guys are a lot more "fragile." Gottman says it's because of evolution. Guys were evolved to be single taskers. Getting "emotional" for women is a lot like jumping off a dock into a lake. You get wet, sure. But the dock is right there and just a few seconds later you're safe and dry... But for guys, "getting emotional" is like getting dropped in the middle of the ocean.
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