
September 10, 2010

Date Night.. thoughts?

I admit that I was super excited to see this because the COMMERCIALS made it look SO GOOD! But it turns out that I was slightly disappointed (as well as CONFUSED!) in the end. I thought the ending was a bit of a cop-out. The storyline was just that this couple (Tina Fey/Steve Carrell) got confused for this other couple (by stealing their dinner reservations) and wound up in all this trouble with two gangsters (who were cops?) and went on this big wild goose chase to get to the bottom of it.

I enjoyed Mark Wahlberg's shirtless presence, as well as some quips from Tina Fey & Steve Carrell (they seemed to be a pretty good "couple" and had some funny back-and-forths) but besides that I was honestly a little disappointed that I paid $10 to see it in theater. I'm thinking, I probably should've waited for it to come out on RedBox!

While IMDB gave it a 7/10 rating, what would you give it? Do you agree with me or disagree? What were your feelings toward the movie


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