
June 3, 2010

My Favorite Books!

I ask only because it seems like 99% of the books I read for school were totally bad, bland, horrible, and non-contreversial. Which are not my types of books. LOL. My question for you is: which were your FAVORITE books that you were required to read in school? The ones you actually enjoyed? When did you read them (what grade/age), what's it called, and why did you like it so much?

The only two I can think of are ones I read in middle school, around 6th or 7th grade. One was called "Watership Down", and it was really gruesome at the time but totally life-changing. (Ha, I can't remember how, but it was really good!) It was actually about rabbits... But it was analogy for war and loss and politics and things that people can relate to. The other one I loved reading was "The Hobbit", the pre-lude to the Lord of the Rings series. I never actually got around to reading the actual "LOTR" books, as I got too bored halfway through the first one, but I thought the Hobbit was totally amazing! There was action at every page. Very imaginative. Very cool at the time.


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