Revelation of Personal Privacy
What is it that makes people enjoy telling the whole world about their personal life?
It seems to give them a feeling of security and comfort by sharing with unknown readers their pleasure, gossip or grief. Overall, this information is fed on Facebook or on Twitter instead of only to people who are close to them.
Unfortunately, there are many lonely people in the world today without others to care about them. For these people the computer is the most wonderful invention ever created. It provides a chance of enhancing their lifestyle and the personal satisfaction of having others listen to the events in their lives through writing online. This becomes an opportunity to communicate with others in similar circumstances and fill the void of spending lengthy time on their own.
The use of a computer, for listening to music or watching a movie is convenient and best of all it is a means of maintaining contact with friends throughout the world. Before there was internet, the usual contact was by telephone. People would spend hours talking about inconsequential happenings, or write long letters as an alternative means of communication.
Chatting with friends over a cup of coffee is sociable and relaxing. It gives you a satisfaction that is not possible to achieve with an online connection. Furthermore, you catch up with all relative news without the entire universe being informed as well!
Personal happenings in our own lives should remain personal and not be flaunted to all and sundry as a way of receiving attention. Informing the world about your most intimate happenings is not an achievement; it is degradation and an insult to self-respect and esteem. It is such a pity that there is very little personal pride left today.
Fortunately, live theatre still attracts many people and often there are excellent productions to see. Eating out is another form of entertainment that is still popular and enjoyable with friends and some relations. However, going on to the computer telling all and sundry, what you have done and where you have been is only of interest to nosy people who relish in the achievements and disappointments of others.
Perhaps the time has arrived for us to look in the mirror without vanity, take an objective look at ourselves and reflect on the way we conduct our lives. Consider a "new you" for your public image and keep private information just that, private.
My name is Gloria Herman and one of my favourite pastimes is writing articles. I use a variety of subjects as my topics. Being well travelled has enabled me to see many sides of life. Meeting interesting people has given me an insight into their ways of life and the various conditions under which they live. Life is one big collection of inspiration.
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