
May 28, 2010

Life is Love

Understanding other people and to show your love towards them. It is not an easy task! Life is Love and vice versa. I do understand the feeling when you want others to feel happy by understanding them. You see you cannot understand everyone's behavior just to please them. Life and love is beyond that.

Happiness is a feeling that each and everyone of us decides. It is a personal gift that each of us develop and accept. You will be consumed yourself if you can't see that your purpose is not attained and become unhappy yourself. You are not God therefore do not expect to be one. There is no state of perfection in life on earth. Happiness is measured beyond the human material needs. There is the heart and spirit to also take account for. There are things in life that you just have to accept without being happy. Monday can be a sad day but there is still Tuesday, Wednesday etc. to consider. We have to move on with our lives. The past is gone, the present is now and let God take care of the future. We are not here to please others but to please God by showing our love and care for others. The happiness part, we have to decide ourselves. You take care and don't stop loving others.


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