
May 20, 2010

The meaning of life

I have been asking this question since I was about 10 years old. Laying in bed and sometimes crying myself to sleep scare of what this is all about. Now in my fiftys I am still wondering but not afraid. I truly believe there is something after this and we will find out then what this is really all about. There has to be something better then this for all of us. I just hope and pray I'm right.

There is a reason why we are living, we are not born just because we wanted this life there is someone above who made the decision so he must also have plans for each one of us but then why do we struggle to understand the meaning
who can really lead us to the meaning of life the bible says god has a plan and we need to be in his plan as u see each one us is given the free will to choose what we want in life.

So its important that we remain in his plan


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