
May 19, 2010

As I have gotten older

Are you kinder to yourself as you get older? I was thinking about it the other day and I realized that I have become much more kinder and forgiving of myself as I have gotten older. I have become less critical of myself, become my own friend and I don't chide myself nearly as much as I use to when I don't do some little something that needs doing. I have begun to figure out that if I don't get it done at this exact moment then I will in a few minutes! I don't mean I procrastinate forever about doing things as I can't stand to do that, but I now know that a few minutes here or there won't hurt!

As I have gotten older I have also started to treat myself a bit more and if I want to be extravagant and pamper myself I now think, "why not, I am worth it"!!

I also don't care about what people think as much as I use to, which makes it easier for me to be positive. I don't question myself nearly as much as I use to and I know that sometimes I am wrong and when I am it's not the end of the World to me now days.

I wear what I want, when I want, and as long as I am not breaking any laws of the land then I should be able to wear the clothes that I feel comfortable in and not worry about what society tells me is in vogue at the moment!

Also as I have gotten a little older, I am also a bit forgetful at times. Who knows, maybe some of the little things that I have forgotten or will forget in the future are just not important enough or worth remembering!

I find as I have gotten older my life has gotten to be so much easier! I enjoy the person I have become and since I am not going to live forever I am not going to waste a lot of time thinking about what might have been or worry about what will be.

I can not say that I am glad that I am getting older every day, but we all are, it's a fact of life and I am happy for the benefits that it affords me. Many times I think it is just too bad that life isn't lived in reverse where you start out old and get younger because then you could probably enjoy your life a lot longer than you do now!

As far as where I am right now in my life...I'm very content!

So how about you? Do you find that you are kinder to yourself with each passing day or are you still stuck in that very confusing place and don't really know if you deserve to be kinder to yourself?


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